Sunday, February 18, 2007

10th UN Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development

The 10th UN Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development, which will be hosted by UNESCO in Addis Ababa on 12-14 February 2007, aims at developing a UN system-wide common approach to Communication for Development in the context of achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Held on a biennial basis since 1988, the UN Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development seeks to address cooperation issues among the UN agencies regarding the implementation of programmes and projects in this domain.

The theme chosen for the 10th UN Inter-Agency Round Table is 'Developing a UN system-wide common approach to communication for development in view of acheiving the Millennium Development Goals'.

The theme was selected because of the unprecedented political support for the MDGs, which provide a strong unifying basis for inter-agency collaboration, and the recognition of Communication for Development’s potential to help deliver the MDGs.

*Article Source: