Friday, February 22, 2013

Side Event: Indigenous Peoples’ Innovative and Emerging Uses of ICTs

Poster of the WSIS+10 Review meeting
This session is organized within the framework of the ten-year review of the Multistakeholder First World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) hosted by UNESCO on 25-27 February 2013 at its headquarters in Paris, France. The session is organised jointly by UNESCO’s programme on Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) and the International Indigenous ICT Task Force.
Participants will discuss ways in which indigenous peoples have used ICTs to:

- preserve and promote their cultural heritage, their knowledge, traditions and languages, and

- exchange experiences and best practices; and manage their tangible heritage, including landscape and biological diversity.

A report on 'Indigenous Peoples, WSIS and Emerging uses of ICTs' will be presented and the session outcomes will include recommendations on gaps, achievements and emerging and future trends for indigenous peoples and local communities with respect to section C8 of the WSIS Plan of Action and to UNESCO’s work.

Online remote participation will be facilitated through the Cisco WebEx remote conferencing software. links will be made available from the programme page.


Type of EventCategory 7-Seminar and Workshop
Start26.02.2013 16:00 local time
End26.02.2013 17:30 local time
Focal pointHeckler, Serena
OrganizerUNESCO’s programme on Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS)
VenueUNESCO Headquarters
Street7, place de Fontenoy
RoomRoom VIII
Language of EventEnglish, French
Estimated number of participants100
Link 1Programme
Link 2World Summit on Information Society Plan of Action
Link 3Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS)
Link 4International Indigenous ICT Task Force (IITF)

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